Christmas party in collaboration with YWCA Italia and Diaconia Valdese CSD
Distribution of necessities in Benin City, Nigeria, during the COVID-19 pandemic
HIVE – Training project on beekeeping
3th World Congress of CAP International’Neither Sex Nor Work’, Mainz 2-5 April 2019
‘Prostitution and Law’ Convention at the University of Turin on 7th March 2019
CATW Conference in Madrid February 2019
Convention ‘The Sex Industry and Human Trafficking’ May 2018
Juju repeal ceremony, March 2018
Conference on Trafficking-Benin City 2017
17th Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference Trafficking in Children and the Best Interests of the Child, Vienna – 3rd and 4th of April 2017
Meeting Women yesterday and today, Parma, Italy, 11/11/2016
Conference on Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM), OCSE – Warsaw 2016
2nd refugees mission in Sicily, Italy -SBL, AML and Iroko
- La nave Ubaldo Diciotti nel porto di Catania
- Il gruppo in missione a Catania
- Roma, sede Guardia Costiera
- Roma, sede della Guardia Costiera Nazionale
- In missione a Catania
- Con il Capitano Gallinelli a Roma
- Sulla Ubaldo Diciotti a Catania
- Con il sindaco di Catania Enzo Bianco
Commission on the Status of Women – CSW60, New York 2016
Conference on EU Project Early Legal Intervention for Victims of Trafficking, Dublin 2016
Nigerian fashion show, Moncalieri, Italy, 2005