Esohe is quoted on Edo State being the most established base for people smugglers (2019, eng)
IIP Digital :
Association IROKO also attempts to educate youth on gender relations (2007, eng) :
Contro la tratta e la schiavitù delle donne, assistenza e sensibilizzazione culturale. (2004, ita)
Eige Europa :
Women and men inspiring Europe resource-pool: Esohe Aghatise (2014, eng)
Sage Journal :
Trafficking for Prostitution in Italy (dal 2006, eng)
WomenNewsNetwork :
Trafficked women inside Italy may face ‘state sanctioned’ exploitation (2015, eng)
Knowledge Wharton :
Lending to Women Makes Good Business Sense (2015, eng)
Articolo pubblicato sulla rivista LEM : (ita)
Festival du Film et Forum International sur les Droits Humaine (video eng. – 2010, Geneve):
Daily interview with Esohe Aghatise, Founder of Iroko Onlus and UN expert on human trafficking
BBC’s “Focus on Africa” (video eng. – 2015):
Esohe Aghatise, on behalf of Equality Now, talking on Global Gender Gap Report 2015 , where three African countries – Rwanda, South Africa and Namibia – are in the top 20 globally
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